Once your teacher has approved your experimental design, you may conduct your experiment. Remember that any QUANTITATIVE data should be recorded in a data table. If you are unsure how to set up your data table, remember that every investigation is designed to demonstrate the stability/change of the system over time. In the case of the pH investigation, you are observing the stability/change of the system with the addition of drops of a solution.
QUALITATIVE data should be recorded as observations below/beside the data table in your journal.
Once you have recorded your data, you will graph it using Google Sheets (or other appropriate spreadsheet program) and upload it to Google Classroom (or CT-Stem website, depending on teacher preference).
Remember the following when graphing;
T - does your title describe a cause/effect relationship between the variables you tested?
A - did you plot the correct variable on the correct axis? (http://mathbench.umd.edu/modules/visualization_graph/page02.htm)
L - are both of your axes correctly labeled with units?
K - did you provide a key?